Reading to Write

My Path to Becoming an Author

Building A Writing Platform??

I have always like writing, both non-fiction and fiction.  When I was young, I didn’t think I had the imagination to handle fiction.  Science Fiction was my main genre of interest, at the time, and the creativity of Asimov, Heinlein, Bradley, and McAffery, intimidated me too much to attempt writing it myself.  Coming from a small town with only one newspaper before the World Wide Web was a twinkle in Berners-Lee’s eye, writing anything besides fiction was a far-off dream.

With no other career path of interest available, I elected to become a wife and mother instead of going to college.  Now that I have decided to re-invent myself, for about the fifth time, as a writer, I am exploring all the aspects of getting published.   As a part of that process, I have joined several discussion groups on LinkedIn.  Robert Brewer, one of the contributor’s that I am following, has set up a challenge on his blog, My Name is Not Bob, for the month of April that I am joining.  The task for Day 1 is “Define Yourself.”  My replies make the assignment much too long to use as a comment on his blog, but I thought I’d make it available here.  Depending on the future assignments, this may become a daily project here.  To that end, I have created a new page called “April Challenge” where I will post things of interest along the way.  Since I have only scheduled weekly posts up until now, I may occasionally combine several daily tasks together or skip some.  It depends on how things go.  I’m not sure I can find the time to post here every day.  We’ll see.


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