Reading to Write

My Path to Becoming an Author

New Award! Yay, Awesome! Thank you, thank you.

I have been blessed with a new award.  It is the Versatile Blogger Award. I need to thank Brooke Ryter and apologize for taking so long to acknowledge her lovely compliment.  It has been two weeks since she notified me of this honor and I’ve been so swamped with “life episodes” that I haven’t found time to do anything about it until now.  Brooke is close to publication of a book based on her blog, “So, Whatcha Think?”  Go by and check out her first chapter.

According to the rules, I must list 15 blogs worth discovering and reveal 7 things about myself.  Yes, I said 15…Wow, you’d think a larger number would make things easier, but I’m not real sure about that.  Oh, and I’m giving up on trying to figure out whether people have been honored before or not.  If their award isn’t on the sidebar, I’m not searching through past posts for it. 🙂 Anyhow, here we go, in no particular order:

  1. Kirra Antrobus:
  2. Anne Kimball (life)
  3. Lisa Romeo Writes:
  4. Rebecca Barray: Becca’s Blog –
  5. Kim Bussey:
  6. Emily E. McGee:
  7. Veronica Roth:
  8. Janice Sheridan
  9. Amanda Socci:
  10. Kris Swanguarin:
  11. Ivy’s Blog UnscriptedLife
  12. Melanie Marttila, Writerly Goodness:
  13. Esther Bradley-DeTally
  14. Shelley-Lynne Domingue
  15.  A place where many talented people work together:

The final one probably doesn’t need an award and isn’t likely to acknowledge it, but I know you, gentle reader, will enjoy perusing it.  So, on to the second requirement, 7 things about me:

  1. I’m not really comfortable with women because, growing up, I was the only girl with 4 brothers and 2 male cousins.  I had girl cousins, but they lived too far away to hang out with or even really to know.   I was definitely a tomboy and spent most of my time hanging out with boys.
  2. In spite of being a tomboy, I never played sports.  When I was growing up, girls were cheerleaders or spectators, not players.
  3. I have grandchildren I’ve never met.
  4. I am an introvert.  I have to force myself to be sociable and don’t ever know what to say.  Writing is much easier.
  5. I am constantly amazed at how much the world has changed since I was born.
  6. I pity the kids who are growing up now. They’ll never really appreciate the awesomeness of our technology unless some terrible disaster takes it all away and then they’ll be helpless without it.
  7. Over the past 10 years, I’ve come to enjoy several foods I spent most of my life avoiding.  I’m much more venturesome now than I was when I was younger.

So, check out the bloggers.  They are all awesome.  Thanks again Brooke, you are awesome too.


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