Reading to Write

My Path to Becoming an Author

A Lenten Commitment

It doesn’t seem possible that it’s time for Lent.  For the past few years, instead of just giving up something for Lent, I’ve made a commitment to DO something for Lent.  Last year, I purchased a devotional book, “Made to Crave” by Lysa Terkeurst.  It is a combination of devotionals and a weight loss plan.  I barely managed to finish it, mostly by reading several days at once when things were less busy than usual.  My previous efforts at a daily devotional, with “Lord Teach Me to Pray” by Kay Arthur, failed miserably.  I’ve restarted that one on two occasions and still haven’t finished it.  

My schedule is much less hectic now and I am making an effort to do more reading and writing a part of my Lenten pledge this year.  I need to get back to writing.  It’s a major part of how I interact with the world around me and I’ve missed it.  Taking care of the toddlers is a joy and I don’t regret it, but I’m losing myself along the way.  

I’ve already started reading more.  That was a part of my New Year’s goal this time.  I’ve read several books a week since the first of the year.  Mostly, it has been light fiction or diet and cooking books, but I recently finished “Confessions of a Prayer Slacker” by Diane Moody.  Considering my previous daily devotional efforts, it seemed appropriate.  So, for Lent this year, I am making a commitment to start a prayer journal.  Following Moody’s recommendation, it will include reading scripture, meditation, and writing in the journal every morning.  

Not so much about Lent, but as a personal goal, I also plan to post on my blogs, at least, once a week.  As you can see by the history here, I haven’t been doing much of that the past couple of years.  The toddlers are getting old enough now to entertain themselves with less supervision.  It’s time to put a plan in place before I find myself drifting aimlessly through the days again.  I can’t re-enroll in school myself yet.  That will have to wait until they are all in regular school.  I have neither the desire nor the free time to apply for a regular job.  However, I know from past experience that I need some kind of structure to keep myself sane.  

I am digging out my Editorial Calendar and getting it updated this weekend.  When Lent begins on Wednesday, I will be ready.  I will use this yearly time of renewal to renew my own lifestyle as well as my spiritual journey.  



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