Reading to Write

My Path to Becoming an Author


Today’s story is from Sunday Photo Fiction. Each week, a new photo is posted on Sunday. The task is to write a story of around 200 words based on the prompt. Come join us as we share the worlds of our imagination.  Here’s where I went this week:

Photo courtesy of Jade M. Wong

The boy scrambled over the rocky beach, his ragged cloak flapping behind him.  He shivered in the chill breeze as he fled for his life.  The ogre that had captured him was sure to be awake and searching soon.  

It had called him Jakob when it was pulling him from the wreckage of the farm where he had been a slave for as long as he could remember.  He wondered if that was a name or just the ogre word for dinner?  A name would be nice.  He decided to use it.  Even if it meant dinner, it was better than the words his master had called him.

He froze as a horrible screech sounded from above.  Ogre’s couldn’t fly.  What was it?  He scanned the sky and the ridges beyond the beach.  A voice spoke inside his head.

“Jakob, where are you going?”

“I don’t know.  Away, just away. Where are you?  Who are you?”

“I am Ramulus.  I am above you.  We will be one.”

Jakob, looked up.  Circling above was a glowing copper dragon.  

“One?  How can we be one?”

“You will be my rider.  I will be your protector. We will be bound for a lifetime.”


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