Reading to Write

My Path to Becoming an Author

Ted’s View

It’s been a while since I joined the Friday Fictioneers and I’m late this time. I just felt the need of a prompt today and found inspiration with Rochelle. The story is a bit of a change for me, but it’s what the picture brought to mind. You can check out other offerings by following the link at the bottom.


Copyright-Ted Strutz

Ted’s eyes fluttered open.  His tongue probed gently at the pain he had almost come to accept as normal.  A flash of memory brought him alert.  Adrenaline panic jerked his head around, looking for the source of his pain.  He wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out.

The bloody instruments lay scattered on the metal tray beside him, but the man who had wielded them was gone.  Ted’s eyes focused on the window before him.  The sight of figures in black armor pouring out the opened door of a white van flooded his body with relief.  Rescue at last.  



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