It’s that time again. Every year we torture ourselves with looking back at the old year. Reliving the challenges and grading ourselves on how well we handled them….or how poorly. Actually, I start long before the new year. I watch myself in the beginning as I write up my list and I think…hmmm….that’s not going […]
Reading to Write
My Path to Becoming an Author
Category: Meditations
Why do I write? Many people have asked me that over the years. Sometimes it was simple curiosity. Sometimes it was with a sense of frustration because I tried to solve problems by writing letters instead of talking them out. That’s because I’m not good at arguing. Oh, I can pick a point and defend […]
NaNoWriMo is in full swing and I am, once again, trying to keep myself motivated. This is my third attempt. The two previous times (last November and the August Camp) I can’t even say I failed because my participation was so small as to be unnoticeable. I don’t remember the actual word count those other […]